Since becoming a writer five years ago my whole outlook on life has changed. A new world has opened up and I feel so blessed to have discovered this path.
For me, becoming a writer was a huge game-changer. I went from never considering or desiring to be a writer to writing a novel to now, pursuing a career as an author.
When I started writing my first novel, I felt in the zone. Everything clicked into place and I knew, “this is what I was always meant to do; this is my passion.” The journey has not been easy but it has changed me. Below are 3 distinct ways in which my outlook on life has changed since becoming a writer.
Life is full of unexpected surprises
Growing up, I learned that the most important thing in life was to have a decent job. So, I studied. I went all the way to obtain a doctorate degree. The more you study, the better the job you can get, I thought. As long as I had a good education, I would always be able to provide for myself.
Fast forward to today. I moved to Germany and even with my
We are capable of more than we think
I never considered myself creative, and here I am, already with a novel and two short stories under my belt. I also thought writing a novel or a blog would be too difficult but the truth is they’re not. Sure, they’re challenging but not impossible. As long as you’re willing to learn and dedicate time to practice, you can do anything you set out to do. And just because I’m in my forties doesn’t mean I can’t learn new things.
We sometimes limit ourselves because we think we’re too old or it’s too hard. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Becoming a writer has made me wonder what else I’m capable of. Now I’m willing to give everything a try because I never know what can happen.
No matter how bad things get, never give up hope
I’ve always been a believer in prayer and that everything happens for a reason, so this is not something that has changed in me, but becoming a writer has made me even more of a believer. Being unable to find a job when my education and career had been a constant in my life was gut-wrenching. I felt lost. I prayed for a way out of my dilemma. If I couldn’t work in the field I spent so much time studying for, then what was I meant to do? What was my purpose? And then, a window opened. A whole new world, actually. A path I never knew existed.
This journey has tested my faith in more ways than one but it’s made me stronger. I now have a new purpose, one that is exciting and full of possibilities. Are there times when I have doubts as to whether this is actually the correct path? All the time. But I always go back to the time when my prayer was answered and I keep going.
I hope this post inspires you to find your path. Life is full of surprises and you never know what awaits you around the corner. No matter what’s happening in your life right now, never give up hope!
Have you ever experienced a huge change in your life? How did it affect your mindset? Share in the comments below.